In Short
This week in Oregon Tolling Updates…
Article 1 - In past posts we have explained that there is a plan to toll all roads in Oregon. We have posted the ODOT Urban Mobility Plan, different articles from local newspapers and videos teaching about the future of tolling. As we research current information we discover more parts to the issue. One of these parts is the IBTTA. The International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association (IBTTA) is a World-wide organization. This organization consults with states to assist in various tolling initiatives and goals. Its membership is comprised of almost 300 companies and governmental agencies. Caltrans, WDOT and the Oregon Department of Transportation to name a few. Below you will find IBTTA Mission Statement. The links at the top are live, in case you wish to look around.
Article 2 - This is IBTTA’s Declaration
Article 3 - ORS 383.004 is the Establishment of tolls “rules” that must be followed by the Oregon Transportation Commission. The links on the side of this publication are live as well.
Weekly Articles
Podcast - Intro to the OTU