Road Show… In this case, It is ODOT’s informational meeting that will travel throughout the state of Oregon. The purpose, well that is outlined below.
Will the information presented help support the Legislators move in the upcoming Legislative session (2025) or will it meet with continued disapproval from the people… Which is a number apparently over 75%.
Below are excerpts from the Assembly letter as well as a link to that letter.
Purpose of the Show…
• The Joint Committee on Transportation (JCT) will be holding 12 meetings and local tours around the state for the purpose discussing the need for stable and sufficient transportation funding in anticipation of the 2025 legislative session. The goal of convening these meetings around the state is to: Build public understanding of transportation funding challenges and potential funding tools to address those challenges; Build legislative understanding of statewide transportation needs and shared priorities; Build local, regional, statewide support and a sense of urgency for a transportation funding package focused on maintenance, operations, and safety; Gather input from the public and community leaders about preferred methods for addressing the transportation funding challenge. A schedule of the Road Show locations are in the article liked below.
Show Agenda…
High Level Report on Needs Assessment
o ODOT -10 minutes
Potential Policy Solutions
o ODOT - 10-15 minutes
•Public Testimony
o Public testimony informed by the needs assessment and potential policy solutions outlined in meeting -90 minutes
What time are these meetings and the meeting location ?