Another Layer of Onion...
A Vehicle Mile Tax is another way for ODOT and the Feds to raise money...
ODOT needs money… almost seems to be a mission statement. And while that comment is fact, it does not give anyone the permission to be irresponsible with our money. Accountability is paramount.
When government reaches for our pockets it owes us a legitimate reason for what it needs and the responsibility to use the money wisely. So when you read the articles below ask yourselves this, why is my money being wasted on failing programs while other programs are being left to fail. Or is this not a fair question?
In Short
Article 1 - The 2022 Federal Infrastructure Package has a ton of “new” ideas and test programs within it. A Vehicle Mileage Tax (VMT) test is in those 2,700 pages as well.
This article, from Lemonade, is an easy understanding of how this test will most likely become another tax layer we will have to pay… down the road. As ODOT looks to add their own VMT for Oregon drivers we have to ask, how many layers are we able to manage?
Article 2 - As EV’s continue to replace ICE vehicles (Internal Combustion Engines) gas tax money continues to decrease. This, though currently a small amount, is fact. In Michigan, where they are way behind in procuring road maintenance revenue, lobbyists are seeking ways to charge EV owners a VMT.
Article 3 - EV’s weigh, on average, 1/3 more than equivalent ICE vehicles and are therefore harder on road infrastructure, but they do not pay a VMT. The Conversation gives us, well EV drivers, an option to a VMT. But we question if this is fair as there is an easy end-around for those charging at home.